Navigating Grower Profile
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Grower Profile provides an overview of a growers operation. In this video you will learn how to navigate around Grower Profile and all the valuable information you can find using this app.

Can I get a more comprehensive dataset on grain storage and processing facilities than what is already available in the applications?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

For any specialized requests, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss in more detail.

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Definitions of commonly used terms in Grower Profile
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Demographic: DTN value derived from and combined from FSA, CDL, CA DPR sources for describing Contains Crop, Income, Livestock, Summary, etc. data. GFI: Gross Farm Income Household: An association/total of acres to a single household based on multiple data points and algorithms, which have been tested over many years. The intent is to, as best

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What are the sources for the various map layers?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The sources for the various map layers are linked below. CDL: USDA NCCPI: USDA Drought: UNL Flood: NOAA

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Why do I see “N/A” within the application?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The specific data point may not be currently available or apply the given circumstance. Please contact us to learn more about our data.

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Navigating Grower Profile
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Grower Profile provides an overview of a growers operation. In this video you will learn how to navigate around Grower Profile and all the valuable information you can find using this app.

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In Grower Profile, can I see just those fields in a given area that are growing a specific crop?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Since Grower Profile primary focus is on a specific grower and not a geography, that functionality isn’t available in Grower Profile.  Field Vision, however, does have this functionality.

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Can you tell me who the primary grower is and what roles/position each of the other growers participate in?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Related Growers” (Found in Grower Profile> Related Growers) describes the relationship or how different people or entities are connected to the primary grower. The list below defines each relationship: Business – The growers have formed some type of business entity. This could either be a wholly owned subsidiary or in conjunction with other co-owners. Household

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