Demographic: DTN value derived from and combined from FSA, CDL, CA DPR sources for describing Contains Crop, Income, Livestock, Summary, etc. data.
GFI: Gross Farm Income
Household: An association/total of acres to a single household based on multiple data points and algorithms, which have been tested over many years. The intent is to, as best as possible, associate acres of land to a single household best identified as the primary responsible. Essentially, every piece of land has a single household identified as the primary. This process creates unique acres at the address thus there is no duplication of acres across households.
Individual: An association/total of acres to one or more individuals based on multiple data points and algorithms, which have been tested over many years. The intent is to as best as possible associate acres of land to the correct individuals. This process creates duplication across individuals, as more than one individual can be associated with a single piece of land. An individual may have more acres associated with them than the household that he/she is part of since some individual acres may be associated to a different household because a different individual is the primary for those acres.

Category: FAQ, FarmFocus