Once a year. There are no plans at this point for multiple deed updates per year.
What other data selects do you offer?
Our other data selects are: Consumer data (e.g. Age, gender, education level, generations in household and 200+ more) Auto/truck data (E.g. Year, make, model, VIN, etc.) Real estate data (e.g. deed, tax assessor and mortgage data) EcoField – Sustainability and carbon Intensity Scores.
What record information do you require in order to get the best possible match to my customer records?
At a minimum, we need name & address, however, in order to gain the best possible match we prefer phone & email where available.
How are farmer Personas produced?
We utilize a machine learning model built around 1,200 completed farmer surveys. We asked questions about their views on different behaviors, which point to the various personas and then ask them to self-identify. If there is agreement between their answers and self-identifying, we create a training data set of these growers which added in over
How often is the data validated?
We update our database through Delivery Point Validation (DPV) and National Change of Address (NCOA) every 3 months as well as deceased and prison processing. Landline phone and mobiles phones are fully replaced every 3 months. New emails are appended every 3 months as well, but defunct emails are removed after each email campaign.
How is remote-sensed data used/integrated in to your grower compilation? What does it mean?
Remote sensing is used to identify the crop with any given farm field. Since we can link the land to a growers, FMID can then rollup all crop acreages to the grower level.
Can you tell me who the primary grower is and what roles/position each of the other growers participate in?
“Related Growers” (Found in Grower Profile> Related Growers) describes the relationship or how different people or entities are connected to the primary grower. The list below defines each relationship: Business – The growers have formed some type of business entity. This could either be a wholly owned subsidiary or in conjunction with other co-owners. Household
Can you identify soil types? If so, how is it done?
Yes, all of our fields include the soil composition, soil productivity, slope of the field, etc. The soil data utilizes the USGS SSURGO database.
Where do you get your grower data from? What are the sources?
The data is gathered from county, State and Federal agencies. The data ranges from Subsidy payments and splits, California Pesticide Use Permits, County Ag Commissioner reports, land sale data and crop maps.
Do all records have a county associated with them?
It is likely that some growers on the file don’t have a county associated with them, but those are typically not able to be coded as deliverable. Select DPV is yes for mailable records to omit records without a county.